Another entry in the Mistweaver Ability Spotlight series, where we go in-depth about abilities unique to Mistweaver. Today, we will be looking at Rising Mist, and the best ways to use this talent. Updated and edited for clarity with the help of Fatalbones.

What is Rising Mist?

Rising Mist is a talent on the Tier 100 row that competes with Upwelling and Focused Thunder, making it so that every time you press Rising Sun Kick, everyone with a Mistweaver-specific HoT (Renewing Mists, Enveloping Mists, and Essence Font) will get healed for 20% spell power, and all of these effects will be extended by 4 seconds, up to 100% of their original duration. If the target has multiple HoTs on them, only one Rising Mist heal will occur, but all HoTs will be extended (if possible). The original duration of a HoT is how much time it would have been out without extension;  this means that TFT ReM can be extended by up to 30 seconds, compared to a normally casted ReM’s 20. After that point, RSK will cease to add any further extensions to the HoT.

In-Depth Look

So now that we know what Rising Mist is, how exactly do you use it? In this section we will deep dive into how it changes Mistweaver gameplay, how it stacks up against the other talents, any important breakpoints, and changes to the essences we use.


Reading the talent, you will notice that all of its power revolves around using Rising Sun Kick, meaning you will want to hit it on cooldown. This requires you to have a much higher melee uptime than the alternative talents, which might take some time to adapt to. This will also make you feel more GCD-locked than normal, as you will almost always have something to cast, since Teachings of the Monastery has the ability to reset RSK. Try to be sure you never have 2 charges of Renewing Mist available, as you are actively reducing your total ReM count, and potentially the length of your ReMs. The correct usage of TFT with RM will almost always either be with ReM or RSK. Using TFT on ReM makes its initial duration 30 seconds, increasing its total possible length to 60 seconds. This increases average ReM uptime, leading to larger Vivify cleaves. TFT RSK will proc the RM healing event twice, effectively doubling its overall healing throughput. Additionally, TFT RSK trades the Secret Infusion haste proc that TFT ReM gives for a far more favorable vers proc. The optimal decision between these two choices will likely be situational; a more conclusive answer will come with further player testing and experimentation.

How It Stacks Up

This section is based off of a mix of theorycrafting done by the monk community and testing in raid. We are going to break this down into four different areas: HPS, DPS, skill, and fight requirement.


When it comes to raw HPS, Rising Mist is the talent that provides the most. It extends your healing-over-time spells, and therefore your Vivify cleave potential, while providing a nice 20% SP heal to all targets of your HoTs when you RSK. In comparison, Focused Thunder is only one free Vivify every 30 seconds, and does not double dip with SI, which doesn’t come out to all that much. Upwelling allows you to store up to 18 bolts of Essence Font, but these extra bolts do not dramatically change your overall HPS, since a lot of the time you don’t let the bolts stack up; the extra HoT time is nice, but often goes to waste, as the raid is usually healed up by then. The winner: Rising Mist.


When it comes to DPS, Rising Mist is arguably the only talent that provides useful synergy. It results in more DPS compared to Upwelling, which often reduces the DPS time you have (due to the longer Essence Font channel). Focused Thunder can provide more DPS via an extra Rising Sun Kick, but its extra charge normally wouldn’t be used on that; even then, this usage would not result in any overall kit synergy. The winner: Rising Mist.


When it comes to the skill ceilings of these talents, Rising Mist has the highest, as it is the only one of the three that alters how you have to play. Upwelling just reinforces the strength of  hitting Essence Font, and Focus Thunder simply gives you a second charge on a button you press every 30 seconds. Another point of skill is mana usage. Rising Mist is a mana-heavy playstyle, where you are basically always looking to spend mana on large Vivify cleaves. This is contrary to Focused Thunder where you spend less mana due to a free Vivify every 30 seconds. Upwelling also relatively reduces your total mana usage, as you will spend more time channeling Essence Font than casting other abilities during heavy damage windows. In this instance we have two winners; Upwelling and Focus Thunder, as they require the least amount of skill to perform at their best.

Fight Requirement

Lastly, we arrive at fight requirements, which are the things an encounter must allow you to do to succeed. Rising Mist is really the only problem here, since the other two are non-situational and work on any fight; Rising Mist requires you to be in melee for the majority of the fight, potentially taking the place of a melee DPS, or making progression slower and more difficult for those players (*cough* N’zoth *cough*) . This might seem trivial, but is actually a very impactful factor, and means that the other two talents win again.


Overall, Rising Mist is the best talent when it comes to overall HPS and DPS, but both requires more skill and a fight that allows it. If the fight is suitable, and you have the time to adapt to this playstyle, then Rising Mist is king.


While Rising Sun Kick’s cooldown is reduced by haste, there are no haste “breakpoints” for it, and many things could break these breakpoints, such as (but not limited to):

  • Rising Sun Kick resets from Teachings of the Monastery
  • Restrictions on melee uptime
  • Having to cast other spells over Rising Sun Kick

Instead, a more interesting breakpoint to look at is one based on how many Renewing Mists you have out. If you have 5 active ReMs, two casts of Vivify becomes more mana efficient and more healing for its cast time than Essence Font. This does not mean EF is dead if you have 5 ReMs out; if you need to move and heal, then Essence Font is still your best spell. Another breakpoint is the ability to fully extend your Renewing Mists. This means getting 5 RSKs in 36 seconds; or, if you used TFT on ReM, getting 8 RSKs in 54 seconds. Due to the “breakpoint breakers”, it’s impossible to provide an exact amount of haste required to do this, but 25-30% is a good starting point. Pick up a little more until you feel you are able to keep maximum ReM uptime, then prioritize crit/vers.


This is a quick-fire section of how Rising Mist affects the Mistweaver specific traits. It does not affect all traits but this should clear up any misconceptions there might be.

  • Uplifted Spirits – Gains value, due to more ReMs to cleave onto
  • Misty Peaks – Gains NO VALUE as it has set procs per minute, unrelated to number of Renewing Mists out
  • Burst of Life – No interaction
  • Overflowing Mists – Gains NO VALUE, as the buff for Overflowing Mists does not extend Enveloping Mists
  • Font of Life – Gains value, as the extra CDR allows for TFT casts
  • Secret Infusion – Remains roughly the same; the haste granted after casting a TFT ReM decreases RSK’s cooldown

So how drastically do these changes affect the ranking of the traits? Not much. We still suggest using QuestionablyEpic Live to compare your Azerite gear, as it is now updated with the Rising Mist changes.



  • Memory of Lucid Dreams
  • Worldvein Resonance
  • Conflict and Strife (see below)


  • The Ever-Rising Tide
  • Conflict and Strife
  • Unwavering Ward
  • The Well of Existence
  • Formless Void

Of the majors, Lucid Dreams wins by a large margin, but Worldvein Resonance can gain some value if timed with raid damage and a ReM peak. Using Conflict and Strife with Rising Mist requires a more advanced understanding of the talent; it requires making the decision to possibly sacrifice ReM charges to maximize WotC healing, and the ability to manage your mana well with an additional mana-draining ability. While learning Rising Mist, either other major is strongly recommended.

Between the minors, you will always go Ever-Rising Tide and Conflict and Strife, as these provide good mana returns and/or stat procs. This leaves the other three: Unwavering Ward, Well of Existence, and Formless Void. These can be swapped out with each other on a fight-by-fight basis. If you are stacked, Unwavering Ward is a great choice; if not, consider Formless Void—try to always be wearing at least one of these for the +10 Corruption Resistance, unique to 8.3 essences.


Mist Wrap gains some value as the healing boost is extended, allowing you to better heal heavy single-target damage; it can also prove useful if you’re feeling too GCD-capped to cast Chi Burst. However, if the raid is stacked enough and you have the GCDs available, Chi Burst is still a great option.

Mana Tea is taken over all others on the third row. It reduces the pressure on your mana pool when you decide to dump Vivifies (and especially if you decide to take Conflict and Strife to cast WotC). We don’t take Spirit of the Crane here, as it requires too many globals spent DPSing to compete with Mana Tea; these are GCDs you’d rather spend casting actual healing spells. Lifecycles: no.

On the fifth row, the choice of RJW or JSS depends on the GCDs and mana you have available to make RJW work. If either of those conditions prove too difficult to meet, go with the more passive option of JSS. Chi-Ji does very little healing, and is not worth taking.


The only modification to your rotation is to make sure you include Rising Sun Kick as much as possible, and use Thunder Focus Tea on it too. You shouldn’t stop healing to fish for resets unless there is no damage to heal, or there is so little that your HoTs can handle it. When you do fish for resets, you should Blackout Kick, right after a Rising Sun Kick as it will provide the most reward for the fewest GCDs lost. If Rising Sun Kick is 50% or more off cooldown (~3-4 seconds before it would naturally come off cooldown), you should stop fishing, and start stacking up TotM stacks to spend after you press RSK.


Mythic Plus

This is going to be fairly short but I’ll try to go over the power and weaknesses of Rising mist in mythic plus. Rising Mist allows you to have full group Renewing Mist enabling you to heal up any group damage much quicker and more reliable. This helps on mana, reducing the amount of times you need to drink. Since there are only 5 targets you don’t have to use Thunder Focus Tea on Renewing Mist all the time and allows you to use it on the other spells if they are better at the time.
Rising Mist is the best talent on T100 for m+ as of the extra Vivify cleave it allows.


Should I run Way Of the Crane with Rising Mist?

For Raid:
Possibly. Once you’ve mastered the gameplay implications of Rising Mist in raid, and the factors central to its success, you can consider it. WotC introduces a new learning curve that necessitates recognizing correct timings, management of your mana pool, and potentially sitting on ReM charges (yes, even if that’s 2) to maximize WotC throughput.

For M+:
Yes. They work quite well together, as WotC becomes your primary source of healing for group damage, and Rising Mist allows for more Renewing Mist/Enveloping Mist uptime, making WotC downtime much easier. Mana is less of a concern in M+ as you are able to drink after each pull, but on longer/tyrannical boss fights, you can use Rising Mist to save mana by having a Renewing Mist blanket on the group.

Is it required to run Rising Mist?

No. You can still run the old Upwelling build just fine.

Does Glory of the Dawn make Rising Mist trigger twice?

No. The extra kick from Glory of the Dawn has a different spell ID, so it will not trigger Rising Mist.

Is it worth it to fish for resets for Rising Sun Kick?

It is 100% worth fishing for resets if there is no damage to heal, or it is low enough for your co-healers to take care of. You should hit Blackout Kick right after Rising Sun Kick if possible, and your HoTs are not maxed on extension. More Rising Sun Kick = good.

You say there are no haste breakpoints, does that mean haste is still bad?

No, quite the opposite. Haste has moved up quite a bit in value. Is it stronger than critical strike and versatility? Most likely not, but we still suggest that you get your stat weights from WowAnalyzer.
