This guide assumes that you have a knowledge of the mechanics of both bosses and trash in the dungeon and will take a more monk focused approach. For more information on the mechanics of all the different mobs and bosses in the dungeon check out the guide over at Wowhead.
The recommended talents for Eye of Azshara are:
–Chi Wave
–Tiger’s Lust
–Energizing Elixir
–Leg Sweep
–Diffuse Magic/Dampen Harm
–Hit Combo
–Whirling Dragon Punch
The damage talents selected are taken due to being the current best setup in all scenarios, there is no real deviation in talents for AoE/ST.
Tiger’s Lust can be used to dispel a number of slows (Watery Splash and Jagged Claws) and roots (Magic Binding) in this dungeon and as such is superior to Chi Torpedo.
Diffuse Magic is useful for reducing damage of heavier hitting magic abilities such as Focused Lightning and Blazing Nova, but can also dispel debuffs such as Sandstorm and Arcane Bomb if your healer is unable or slow to dispel.
Dampen Harm is also useful, as there are mixed damage types. Most notably, it works for the physical damage of Crushing Depths, which can not be reduced by Diffuse Magic.
Boss Tips
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow-Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
–Paralysis on Hatecoil Crestrider or Hatecoil Shellbreaker as they spawn can immobilize them to make it easier for your party to intercept Impaling Spear. It can also be used as an interrupt in emergencies.
-Focusing your SEF clones is important to make sure that adds don’t get killed before they can be used to intercept Impaling Spear.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor/Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus or Archimonde’s Hatred Reborn (may be required on higher keys or Tyrannical bosses.)
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow-Singed Fang or Archimonde’s Hatred Reborn/Coagulated Nightwell Residue (may be required on higher keys or Tyrannical bosses.)
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc). Avoidance sets may be required on higher keys or Tyrannical bosses.
WW specific tips:
-The Saltsea Globule adds that are spawned during the fight can be killed using the Curse of the Witch debuff. Make sure to focus your SEF clones so you are not losing boss damage.
-On Tyrannical weeks and higher keystone levels, you will need a defensive for every cast of Focused Lightning. Due to the short cooldown of the ability, you may need to ask your healer for an external damage reduction when Touch of Karma and Dampen Harm/Diffuse Magic are on cooldown.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow-Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
–Leg Sweep can be used to stun the heads that spawn during Submerge, acting as an extra interrupt.
-The encounter area is very large and open, so setting down your Transcendence in the center may help your mobility when moving between the heads.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow-Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc). Avoidance sets may be required on higher keys or Tyrannical bosses.
WW specific tips:
-As this boss is very straightforward, there are no Windwalker specific tips to give at this time.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor/Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus or Archimonde’s Hatred Reborn (may be required on higher keys or Tyrannical bosses.)
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow-Singed Fang or Archimonde’s Hatred Reborn/Coagulated Nightwell Residue (may be required on higher keys or Tyrannical bosses.)
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc). Avoidance sets may be required on higher keys or Tyrannical bosses.
WW specific tips:
-On Tyrannical weeks and higher keystone levels, you will need a defensive for every Crushing Depths soak. You may need to ask your healer for an external damage reduction, or equip an on use defensive trinket for when Touch of Karma and Dampen Harm are on cooldown.
Trash Tips
Notable packs to stun:
-Most of the trash before Warlord Parjesh can be stunned. Specifically, it is very useful to stun Hatecoil Wranglers Lightning Prod and Wandering Shellbacks Spiked Carapace. It can also be used on any of the casters accompanying these packs.
-For weeks with Sanguine, it can be helpful to Leg Sweep the large packs of Saltsea Droplets just before they die. This can allow your tank and other melee to run away from them before they get stuck in Sanguine puddles with many stacks of Watery Splash.
-The large packs of Seaspray Crabs can be stunned to help reduce damage taken by your tank, especially when many are pulled together.
-If you are encountering the Murloc and Gilblin packs in the cave, Leg Sweep should be used to help your tank survive.
Paralysis can be used on any of the Cove Seagulls or Gritslime Snails to keep them from wandering into boss areas or other packs of trash that have been pulled. As they are both neutral mobs, they will not aggro if you get too close.
Important casts to look out for and prioritize kicks on:
–Arc Lightning
–Rejuvenating Waters (The healing done by this ability does not scale with keystone level, and as such is mostly inconsequential if the kick is missed. It heals the players as well, and the mobs can be moved out of the area of effect by the tank.)
–Bellowing Roar, Lightning Strike & Restoration (on the Warlord Parjesh boss fight)
–Arcane Rebound
–Blazing Nova > Arcane Blast (Priority on Serpentrix)
–Lightning Blast
As stated earlier, Tiger’s Lust can be used to dispel a number of roots and slows throughout the instance, such as Watery Splash from Saltsea Droplets, Jagged Claws from Seaspray Crabs, and Magic Binding from Binder Ashioi.
Detox can be used to remove Lethargic Toxin, Numbing Toxin, and Sea-Brine Toxin on your tank that are used by the Bitterbrine Slave mobs before King Deepbeard.