Windwalker Essences: Napkin Math

Windwalker Essences: Napkin Math

As I finally sit down to look at these essences, I am completely overwhelmed. We currently have no way to simulate them, so I have to resort to napkin math, which I’ll readily admit is not my specialty, but its the best we have for a few days till sims are set...
Babylonius on Windwalkers

Babylonius on Windwalkers

With 8.2 coming in the next few weeks, and before I sit down to get any changes figured out, I wanted to write my thoughts on the spec in the past present and future. The Present Overall I feel that Windwalkers have moved in a good direction this expansion. There have...
Windwalker Essences: Napkin Math

8.2 Preview – Spec Dependent Essences

So with 8.2 eventually approaching, we’ve been getting more and more questions about the essences, which will be best and how they’ll work. To that, the general answer is “just wait, there’s plenty of time”. However, since there’s...
May Windwalker Site Updates and Blizzcon

May Windwalker Site Updates and Blizzcon

Site Say what you want about the state of the game, but things have been slow for the past few months. There hasn’t been any class changes since March 12th, there are no Monks in Classic, so nothing to talk about there, 8.2 is still more than a month away and is...

Windwalker 8.1.5 Survival Guide

So 8.1.5 is here, or soon will be, and there are a few changes to Windwalker that people should be aware of, so I’ll quickly cover what has changed and how they affect the spec.   Bug Fixes and QoL Improvements Finally, the moment that everyone has been...
May Windwalker Site Updates and Blizzcon

Windwalkers in BoD; Fun: Detected, Fun: Destroyed

The new raid is out, and just about a full week has gone by; and as I like to do, I took some time to look at the raid and how Windwalkers have done so far. So I am going to take some time to talk about how Windwalker ended Uldir and how the first week of Battle if...

What gem should I….

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Windwalker Essences: Napkin Math

Stat Weights and You: Round 3

Foreword/Raidbots Ad These are not required reading, but certainly show how we got here…     Round 1     |     Round 2 Although this article will focus on what stat weights are, how to get them, and how to use them, pretty much all of this is made entirely moot...