Mistweaver PvE Guide
This guide is designed to be a basic, quick guide for Mistweaver with just the information you need. For more in-depth, advanced, information follow the links to those pages in the “Further Reading” sections or in the “Advanced” section in the menu above. Navigate quickly to the section you need using the sidebar on the right.
This guide has been updated for Patch 9.2 and is regularly updated when discussion, theorycrafting, or testing yields new information.
Dungeon | Raid | |
Tier 1 (lvl 15) | Mistwrap | Chi Burst |
Tier 2 (lvl 25) | Tiger’s Lust | Tiger’s Lust |
Tier 3 (lvl 30) | Mana Tea | Mana Tea |
Tier 4 (lvl 35) | Ring of Peace | Ring of Peace |
Tier 5 (lvl 40) | Diffuse Magic | Diffuse Magic |
Tier 6 (lvl 45) | Invoke Chi-ji the red Crane | Refreshing Jade Wind |
Tier 7 (lvl 50) | Rising Mist | Rising Mist |
War Mode Talents
These talents are not the best for pvp per say but rather world content when you’re in warmode.
- Peaceweaver – Revival has a 50% shorter cooldown and also provides immunity to magic damage and debuffs. Very powerful and helpful to get out of sticky situations.
- Chrysalis – Your emergency `I pulled too many mobs` button is here so more get out of jail cards is good.
- dematerialize – Free DR when stunned is very useful to help prevent one shots from other players as well as when you pull a few too many mobs.
Further Reading
Ability Priority
Healing has no defined rotation or priority system. It requires you to understand your spells and how best to use them to keep your group alive. In general, any downtime should be used to DPS. Below are the two distinct healing styles available to Mistweaver and how to use your spells.
- Renewing Mist will be use as close to on cooldown as possible.
- Vivify will be your main heal.
- To heal a single target taking sustained damage, Soothing Mist and Enveloping Mist are your best tools.
- Essence Font should only be used to get the HoT effect out in order to quickly burst single targets through the double Gust of Mists hits. Cancelling a cast of it when your party has the HoT effect rolling on all of them will allow you to use Mastery-proccing spells faster for burst healing on any target that needs it. However, continuing the channel can be the right call in specific situations, normally when you need group healing while you yourself are moving. It depends on the situation at hand.
- If you’re the only Monk, make sure Mystic Touch is applied to whatever is being damaged.
- If talented:
- Summon Jade Serpent Statue should always be in position and channeling on someone taking damage.
- chi-ji should be used as often as possible to help provide more damage while getting effective healing out.
- Thunder Focus Tea should be used on Renewing Mist if Rising Mist is not talented. If Rising Mist is talented then you should use it on Rising Sun Kick.
- Keep at least 1 charge of Renewing Mist on cooldown. As raid damage is incoming, you can use the second charge to ramp up the Renewing Mists on the raid.
- Rising Sun Kick should be kept on cooldown.
- Fully channel Essence Font during raid-wide damage (when 6+ targets are hurt).
- Use Vivify to spot heal anyone who needs it or when you need extra hps for group healing and Essence Font isn’t applicable. Ensure Renewing Mists are out to leverage the additional healing from Vivify cleave.
- For sustained single target damage, such as a heavy tank damage period or a hard hitting debuff, Soothing Mist the target, and follow up with Enveloping Mist.
- Right before raid damage goes out cast Yu’lon/Chi-ji.
- During Yu’lon/Chi-ji you should replace casts of Essence Font with hard casted Enveloping Mist to apply envb to the majority of the group. This could and normally means multiple casts of Enveloping Mist back to back on different targets.
- Read the Celestial Guide down below for more in-depth detail about them.
- Thunder Focus Tea should be used on cooldown on Rising Sun Kick.
- Mystic Touch should be applied to any target taking damage.
Further Reading
Covenant Choice
This is a bit more complicated than older patches but still very straight forward.
Before you have your Four Set you will want to be Venthyr!
After you get your Four Set you can be either Venthyr or Necrolords.
For Venthyr you’d want to go Theotar.
For Necrolords you’d want to go Emeni.
Potency Conduit Priority
Crafting Priority
- Ancient Teachings Of the Monastery
- Sinister Teachings (if Venthyr)
- Tear of Morning
- Call To Arms (if Kyrian)
- Invokers delight
- Clouded Focus
- Ancient Teachings of the Monastery
- SiT (if Venthyr)
- Yu’lon’s Whisper
- Call to Arms (if Kyrian)
- Invoker’s Delight
- Tear of Morning
- Clouded Focus
Dungeon Priority
Pure Healing: Intellect > Mastery > Haste = Versatility = Critical Strike
Mixed Focus: Intellect > Haste = Versatility = Critical Strike > Mastery
In general, taking higher item level pieces will be the standard course of action. All of the secondaries are very close in terms of healing output, so the optimizations will be based on your specific group composition, level of ability, and dungeon.
Raid Priority
Upwelling: Intellect > Critical Strike > Versatility > Mastery > Haste
Rising Mist: Intellect > Critical Strike = Versatility = Haste >> Mastery
These stat priorities help to get a rough idea of what gear to go for, but you should use the QE Live tool to compare gear.
Note: WoWAnalyzer is being maintained again!
One thing to note here, is the greatest impact you can make in your output is improving your play over improving your gear. While higher item level gear will have an impact, proper play will always outpace “perfect” gear optimization.
- Follow your stat priority
- Weapon: weapon
- Cloak: cloak
- Chest: chest
- Bracers: bracers
- For rings you should follow your stat priorities
You should use QE Live to compare all your gear including trinkets but some notable Trinkets are:
The concept of “Best-in-slot” lists is mostly obsolete, although it has “returned” a little bit in Shadowlands. Gear should be assessed on a case-by-case basis rather than as a whole, using QE Live.
- Flask: Flask
- Potion: int pot, mana pot, if you’re next 4 gcds are going to all be env or ef then hurt to heal potion will save more mana.
- Rune: rune
- Food: Food1 or Food
- Weapon Oil: oil
- Armor Kit: armor kit
Each character race is within a small margin of power for throughput. However, it should be noted that the Blood Elf active racial ability, Arcane Torrent, is very useful as both an offensive dispel, as well as a mana recovery tool, especially with its quick cooldown. Its mana adds up over the duration of a fight.
Overall there is no required professions for Shadowlands. In comparison from BFA Alchemy has taken a massive hit in value due to Alchemy Stone having such a low max item level.
WeakAuras are ways to show things on your screen in a customized and personalized way. The best WeakAuras are the ones that you set up for yourself specific to your style and needs. However, many people have already made ones for themselves to share, so check them out and use them as bases to customize your own.
No WeakAuras are “required” but some are very useful:
- Essence Font Range Tracker
- Refreshing Jade Wind Range Tracker
- Mana Tea Time Remaining (with GCD Tracker)
- Jade Serpent Statue Uptime
- Renewing Mist Tracker
For full WA Packs for MW, please check out Wago.io. Some highlighted ones are listed below:
- Anomoly’s – https://wago.io/4kclhyW3M
- Afenar’s – https://wago.io/Mistweaver_AfenarUI
- Onyon’s – https://wago.io/cHQczWroR
- Luxthos’ – https://wago.io/r1MFNt9rm / https://wago.io/HyGi4KqSm / https://wago.io/HJk5VY9rQ
- Mimir’s – https://wago.io/0V4b8DxH4
Talent specific macros, ex. T45 talents
/cast [talent:6/1] Summon Jade Serpent Statue;[talent:6/2] Refreshing Jade Wind; [talent:6/3] Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane
This will cast either of the T45 talents, depending on what is currently selected by the player. This can be extended to other talents as well.
Stopcasting Macro for Rising Mist
/stopmacro [channeling: Essence Font]
/cast Rising Sun Kick
This macro allows you to cast Rising Sun Kick when you want, GCDs permitting, except when you’re channeling Essence Font.