This guide assumes that you have a knowledge of the mechanics of both bosses and trash in the dungeon and will take a more monk focused approach. For more information on the mechanics of all the different mobs and bosses in the dungeon check out the guide over at Wowhead.
The recommended talents for Neltharion’s Lair are:
–Chi Wave
–Tiger’s Lust / Chi Torpedo
–Energizing Elixir
–Leg Sweep
–Dampen Harm
–Hit Combo
–Whirling Dragon Punch.
The damage talents selected are taken due to being the current best setup in all scenarios, there is no real deviation in talents for aoe/st.
Tiger’s Lust has no application in terms of dispelling a root and as such the mobility row pretty much comes down to personal preference here. However, if you have a low mobility tank then Tiger’s Lust can be helpful on Naraxas.
The damage in Neltharion’s Lair is mixed/physical heavy and as such Dampen Harm is best suited for damage reduction.
Boss Tips
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-Keeping your clones unfocused on this boss can help to deal with Skitters so you don’t take an unnecessary amount of damage from Shatter.
-If you find yourself on low HP with the ground effect post Shatter limiting your movement you can roll away and if your roll finishes outside of the ground effect you’ll take no damage.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-Delaying FoF for a few seconds to help cleave down the idols that the boss spawns can be very helpful for overall group health as you can kill them very quickly.
-Making sure to have 1 SEF charge for the second phase will be massive for your damage as it is the most common lust point for groups, you can push heavy damage there to make sure you 2 or 3 phase the fight.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-If you have another melee dps in the group then during Toxic Wretch casts you can move into the space to the left of and behind the boss to create more room for the other melee dps. You have to dispel yourself of the poison debuff so that you don’t die and heal up with Trascendence. This can be quite risky and you’ll have to move back for healing eventually but it can definitely make the fight easier with heavier melee comps.
-Using Tiger’s Lust on the tank during his Spiked Tongue cast can be a huge help, especially if they’re playing one of the less mobile tanks, i.e Blood DK.
-Legendaries: The Wind Blows + The Emperor’s Capacitor
-Trinkets: Golganneth’s Vitality + Shadow Singed Fang
-Other: A normal ST set is advised (T21 4pc)
WW specific tips:
-If you have no grips available in the group then using Provoke can help speed up the adds, getting them into the wall quicker to make them vulnerable so you can burst them down.
-Using your 2nd SEF charge on the first add can help blow it up, your 2nd ToD can go into the add as well because by that point that will be spawning very late into the boss cycle and will have to be burst down very quickly. Your first SEF and ToD should be used to push boss damage still as it remains relevant, getting to the later add spawns becomes very hard to deal with.
Trash Tips
Notable packs to be ready to stun:
-If doing a huge pull at the start of the run then a Leg Sweep can be pretty massive to allow your tank to start kiting away once the mobs have been grouped.
-A lot of casts in Neltharion’s Lair can’t be kicked with a normal interrupt and should be stopped with Paralysis or Leg Sweep, I’ll cover all of them in the Paralysis section.
-If doing a big pull with all the mobs prior to Naraxas then a Leg Sweep can help to control all the mobs and help you survive some of the high damage casts by interrupting them.
Important casts to look out for and prioritize kicks on:
–Stone Bolt (this is very high prio, on higher keys if this goes through it’ll just one shot a player)
A lot of casts in Neltharion’s Lair can’t be kicked with a normal interrupt and should be stopped with Paralysis or Leg Sweep these are:
–Piercing Shards
–Jagged Disc
–Stone Shatter
Tiger’s Lust can be used to help tanks out on Naraxas during Spiked Tongue.
Detox can be used to dispel yourself or other players on Naraxas.