The Great Vault Almanac – Shadowlands Season 3, Week 2
The first week of Season 3 is drawing to a close, and with it we are all preparing to open our weekly disappointment boxes with reset and rejoice as for the one and only time in a tier they’re all but guaranteed to drop an upgrade. That leads one to a very...Brewmaster tl;dr – Patch 9.2
Patch 9.2 is upon us, and that means it is time for a round-up of all the changes to the spec that you need to be aware of going into the new raid tier and Mythic+ season. This is a tl;dr—we’re only going to give the highlights and answer common questions....
Brewmaster Mitigation in Shadowlands
Brewmaster’s mitigation toolkit is changing going into Shadowlands. We covered the high-level changes we knew about in our previous post, but now we have numbers and details from Alpha to know how it works in much greater detail. At a high level, our new...
Shadowlands Alpha Preview: Brewmaster Impressions
Over the past two days, Blizzard has given us a sneak peak of the new goodies that are coming for Brewmasters with the Shadowlands expansion. First, they showed off some of the new Covenant Abilities. Later, they followed that up with a preview of Class Changes and...
Inactive Mitigation, a Zen Meditation
Recently, the Peak staff were surprised to learn of a rather unorthodox play pattern for Brewmasters: forgo Purifying Brew entirely. Don’t even bother casting it; wear HPS trinkets instead. While we have long held that Ironskin Brew is the more important part of our...
Elusive Brawling, a Zen Meditation
For some time, Brewmasters have followed the mantra: more stats is better than strong stats. Now, however, we recommend a focus on Mastery. What changed?

Jaina, a Zen Meditation
Let’s talk about Jaina. On the surface, Jaina seems like a boss that’d be a blast to tank. She’s got a little bit of everything: heavy damage, strict positioning requirements, and a tight DPS check to encourage the padder hiding in all of us. Alas, the devil is in the...
Celestial Misfortune, a Zen Meditation
Did you know Celestial Fortune is bugged? Until the 30th of October, it actually had two bugs. The first is relatively well-known and pretty benign: the absorb portion of Celestial Fortune won’t trigger until you’ve entered combat at least once since logging in. This...