This week on the show, our hosts Anomoly and emallson strap in for an extra-long episode covering the 5 (!!) new Sanctum of Domination bosses tested on PTR this week, along with a slew of PTR updates including Torghast changes, systems updates, and new lore details.
This week’s episode was streamed on Twitch and is also available on YouTube. Want to watch the show live? We stream every Saturday at 8:30pm Eastern Time.
Links from the Show
- Multiboxing Ban Announcement
- Castle Nathria Nerfs
- Raid Testing Recaps (1 2 3)
00:00 Introduction
01:28 Week in Review
12:30 Multiboxing Banned
18:00 Burning Crusade Classic! (and “micro”transactions)
26:05 Darkvein Nerfs
30:26 Sire Nerf Speculation
35:36 “Rodeo” PvP Talent
41:00 Transferring Soul Ash to Alts
43:55 Mythic+ Gearing Updates
46:30 World Content & HAND MOUNTS!
52:36 Raid Testing: Eye of the Jailer
59:03 Raid Testing: Kel’thuzad
01:06:42 Raid Testing: Fatescribe Roh-Kalo
01:17:02 Raid Testing: Remnant of Ner’zhul
01:25:34 Raid Testing: Soulrender Dormazain
01:38:43 Torghast 2.0
02:03:41 Lore Corner
02:18:36 Questions & Answers
Music: Skye Cuillin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4371-skye-cuillin
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/