by Garg | Feb 16, 2018 | 8.0, Mistweaver
The Alpha for Battle for Azeroth, the next expansion, is in full swing, and it’s about time to sink into some of the changes coming to Mistweaver. As it stands right now, the only major thing to note is the sweeping gear squish, as well as spell power changes to...
by Babylonius | Feb 9, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
Got a new Alpha build this evening with some changes, generally just DPS decreases to many classes; Windwalker included. Click here to see all changes Specialization (7) Afterlife When you kill an enemy, you summon a Healing Sphere, healing you for (252%196.56% of...
by Babylonius | Jan 25, 2018 | 8.0, Windwalker
Well, it has finally happened. The first changes seem to have been pushed. Be aware that this is technically just for the pre-patch, not necessarily the next expansion. Some of these are even consistent, or close to, what I included in my articles for my BfA Wishlist...
by Babylonius | Nov 4, 2017 | 8.0, Windwalker
Part 1: Stats | Part 2: Abilities | Part 3: Talents | Part 4: Artifacts and Miscellaneous Class Development Post: Part 4: Artifacts and Miscellanous Artifact Trait Carryovers As I...