Mistweaver Changes: Battle for Azeroth Beta Build 26734

This is the build I have been waiting for for a long time.   Changes This Build Vivify baseline heal increased from 100% Spell power to 105% Spell power. Vivify heal on Renewing Mist targets increased from 60% Spell power to 70% Spell power. Uplifting Trance...

Mistweaver Changes: Battle for Azeroth Beta Build 26567

Okay. A lot happened this build, mainly centered around talent reshuffling, major Thunder Focus Tea changes, and some spell balancing, as well detailing some of the emerging raid healing builds from testing. Changes This Build Revival buffed from 180% Spell power per...

Catching up on Alpha: Builds 26095 and 26231

Its been a few weeks since the last time I felt the need to write an article about whats been going on on the Alpha. That’s largely because there just hasn’t been very much going on, really just small changes spread out between a few builds. Now that its...

Battle for Azeroth 26010 Updates and Class Changes

Got a new Alpha build this evening with some changes, generally just DPS decreases to many classes; Windwalker included. Click here to see all changes Specialization (7)  Afterlife   When you kill an enemy, you summon a Healing Sphere, healing you for (252%196.56% of...

OMG 8.0.1!! Build 25902

Well, it has finally happened. The first changes seem to have been pushed. Be aware that this is technically just for the pre-patch, not necessarily the next expansion. Some of these are even consistent, or close to, what I included in my articles for my BfA Wishlist...