On Friday afternoon, Blizzard released a preview of the new Druid & Death Knight talent trees! This week on the podcast, emallson and Anomoly walk through the new trees and speculate about what their structure means for Monk talents. We also had Patch 9.2.5 release this week, and recap some of the fun bugs, hotfixes, and changes from the patch.
This show is also available on YouTube and is streamed live every week at 1:30pm EDT over at https://twitch.tv/emallson
00:00 Rygelon Progression
11:27 Diablo Immortal Released
16:43 Cross-Faction Play & Faction Transfer Sale
24:21 Dark Ranger Transmog & Customization Unlocks
27:14 The Veilstrider Meta-Meta-Achievement
32:19 New Mythic+ / PvP Catchup Gear
35:27 9.2.5 Hotfixes: Pandemic Broken (& Fixed), M+ Scaling Fixes, and Codex Broken
45:30 Dragonflight: Restoration Druid Talent Walkthrough
01:07:24 Dragonflight: Death Knight Talent in Contrast
01:12:44 Dragonflight: What About Monk Talents?
Music: Skye Cuillin by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4371-skye-cuillin
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/