Windwalker Acronyms


Many acronyms exist that people use to talk about Windwalker Monk. For players new to this specialization, all of the jargon and acronyms might be a little hard to understand, so we’ve provided a list to help you catch up to the technical terms used today.
Acronym Meaning Description
AD August Dynasty Hero Talent – Buff to RSK after JFS
BB  Bounce Back Class Talent – Buff to Defense
BdB  Bonedust Brew Shadowlands Covenant Ability
BI  Brawler’s Intensity Spec Talent – Buff to BoK and RSK CDR
BoK  Blackout Kick Baseline – Rotational
BoK! Blackout Kick! Baseline – Free BoK
Catue Summon White Tiger Statue Class Talent – “Cooldown”
CB  Chi Burst Spec Talent – Rotational
CI Courageous Impulse Spec Talent – Buff to BoK!
CJL  Crackling Jade Lightning Baseline – Rotational w/ Emp Cap
Conduit Celestial Conduit Hero Talent – Cooldown of CotC
CotC Conduit of the Celestials Hero Tree
CotWT / Courage Courage of the White Tiger Hero Talent – Proc in CotC
CoW Combat Wisdom Spec Talent – Passive EH
CP  Calming Presence Class Talent – Buff to Defense
CT  Chi Torpedo Class Talent – Replacement to Roll
CV  Crane Vortex Spec Talent – Buff to SCK
CW  Chi Wave Spec Talent – Rotational
CWW Communion With Wind Spec Talent -.CDR to SotWL
DaH Darting Hurricane Spec Talent – GCD change to TP
DHC  Drinking Horn Cover Spec Talent – Buff to SEF/Serenity
DM  Diffuse Magic Class Talent – Defensive
DoCJ  Dance of Chi-Ji Spec Talent – Buff to SCK
DT Dual Threat Spec Talent – AA replacement
EB Energy Burst Spec Talent – BoK! Chi generation
EF  Expeditious Fortification Class Talent – Buff to Fort Brew
EfR  Escape from Reality Class Talent – Buff to Transcendence
EH  Expel Harm Baseline – Heal/Generator
EM  Elusive Mists Class Talent – Buff to SooM
Emp Cap  Last Emperor’s Capacitor Spec Talent – Buff to CJL
ETL  Empowered Tiger Lightning Spec Talent – Buff to Xuen
FF  Fast Feet Spec Talent – Buff to RSK/SCK
FloX Flurry of Xuen Spec Talent – Proc
FoF  Fists of Fury Spec Talent – Rotational
FotRC Flight of the Red Crane Hero Talent – Proc
FoX  Fury of Xuen Spec Talent – Offensive Passive
FSK  Flying Serpent Kick Spec Talent – Movement
FT  Fatal Touch Class Talent – Buff to ToD
GF Gale Force Spec Talent – DMG Amp after SotWL
GotC  Grace of the Crane Class Talent – Buff to Defense
GotD  Glory of the Dawn Spec Talent – Buff to RSK
HC  Hit Combo Spec Talent – Offensive Passive
HotJS / Heart Heart of the Jade Serpent Hero Talent – Proc
HP  Provoke Class Talent – Buff to Taunt
HS  Hardened Soles Spec Talent – Buff to BoK
IB  Ironshell Brew Class Talent – Buff to Fort Brew
IC Inner Compass Hero Talent – Statbuff
ID  Invoker’s Delight Spec Talent – Buff to Xuen
IP  Inner Peace Class Talent – Buff to Resources
JFF Jadefire Fists Spec Talent – Automatic JFS
JFH Jadefire Harmony Spec Talent – Buff to JFS (Old FLH)
JFS Jadefire Stomp Spec Talent – Rotational (Old FLS)
JI  Jade Ignition Spec Talent – Buff to SCK
JS Jade Sanctuary Hero Talent – DR on Conduit
KotBT / Knowledge Knowledge of the Broken Temple Spec Talent – Buff to TotM
LS  Leg Sweep Baseline – Stun
MM Martial Mixture Spec Talent – Buff to TP
MoB Momentum Boost Spec Talent – Buff to FoF
MotC  Mark of the Crane Spec Talent – Buff to SCK
MotM / Memory Memory of the Monastery Spec Talent – Buff to TP
MS  Meridian Strikes Spec Talent – Buff to ToD
NP Niuzao’s Protection Hero Talent – Buff to FB
OE Ordered Elements Spec Talent – Buff to SEF
Para  Paralysis Class Talent – Long CC
PoJ Path of Jade Spec Talent – Buff to JFS (Old WotF)
PotTK Power of the Thunder King Spec Talent – Buff to EmpCap
PR  Profound Rebuttal Class Talent – Buff to EH
RB Restore Balance Spec Talent – RJW during Xuen
RF  Resonant Fists Class Talent – Buff to Offense
RJW  Rushing Jade Wind Spec Talent – Rotational
RoP  Ring of Peace Class Talent – Knockback
RS  Rising Star Spec Talent – Buff to RSK
RSK  Rising Sun Kick Class Talent – Rotational
RW Revolving Whirl Spec Talent – DoCJ on WDP
SbT  Shadowboxing Treads Spec Talent – Buff to BoK
SCK  Spinning Crane Kick Baseline – Rotational
SEF  Storm, Earth, and Fire Spec Talent – Offensive
SeS Sequenced Strike Spec Talent – BoK! on DoCJ
SF  Spiritual Focus Spec Talent – Buff to SEF/Serenity
SFJ Singularly Focused Jade Spec Talent – Buff to JFS
SHS  Spear Hand Strike Class Talent – Interrupt
SooM  Soothing Mist Class Talent – Heal
SoS  Strength of Spirit Class Talent – Buff to EH
SotBO Strength of the Black Ox Hero Talent – Proc
SotW/SotWL  Strike of the Windlord Spec Talent – Rotational
SP Shado-Pan Hero Tree
StA  Save Them All Class Talent – Buff to Healing
TF  Thunderfist Spec Talent – Buff to SotWL
TL  Tiger’s Lust Class Talent – Speed Buff
ToD  Touch of Death Baseline – Offensive
ToK  Touch of Karma Spec Talent – Defensive
TotM  Teachings of the Monastery Spec Talent – Buff to RSK
TotT  Touch of the Tiger Spec Talent – Buff to TP
TP  Tiger Palm Baseline – Generator
TT Temple Training Hero Talent – Buff to FoF and SCK
TtP  Transfer the Power Spec Talent – Buff to FoF
TTS  Tiger Tail Sweep Class Talent – Buff to Leg Sweep
Unity Unity Within Hero Talent – CotC Capstone
VE  Vigorous Expulsion Class Talent – Buff to EH
VV  Vivacious Vivification Class Talent – Buff to Vivify
WDP  Whirling Dragon Punch Spec Talent – Rotational
WotW / Wisdom Wisdom of the Wall Hero Talent – SP Capstone
XB  Xuen’s Bond Spec Talent – Buff to Xuen
XG Xuen’s Guidance Hero Talent – Buff to TP
XBG  Xuen’s Battlegear Spec Talent – Buff to RSK/FoF
YK Yulon’s Knowledge Hero Talent – Buff to RJW