Windwalker PvE References
This page serves as a place to document various Windwalker ability minutiae and can be used as a quick reference.
Mastery Abilities
This is a list of abilities that contribute to and benefit from Windwalker’s mastery, Combo Strikes. Any ability on this use will get bonus damage from mastery as long as a different ability on this list was used before it. Any ability on this list will also grant a stack of Hit Combo if it is talented. For example, using (some other ability on the list) -> Tiger Palm -> Blackout Kick -> Tiger Palm will cause both Tiger Palms and the Blackout Kick to all get bonus damage and grant stacks of Hit Combo. Using Tiger Palm -> Leg Sweep (not on this list) -> Tiger Palm will cause the second Tiger Palm to not receive any bonus damage and will drop all current stacks of Hit Combo: it’s the same thing as just doing Tiger Palm -> Tiger Palm. With the prepatch of The War Within they adjusted which abilities trigger mastery. Generally, this list is just all Windwalker damage dealing abilities, though there’s a few possibly unexpected ones here like Storm, Earth, and Fire. Presented in alphabetical order:
- Bonedust Brew (Only usable in Shadowlands content)
- Blackout Kick
- Celestial Conduit
- Chi Burst
- Crackling Jade Lightning
- Faeline Stomp
- Fists of Fury
- Rising Sun Kick
- Spinning Crane Kick
- Storm, Earth, and Fire (added in TWW)
- Strike of the Windlord
- Touch of Death
- Tiger Palm
- Weapons of Order (Only usable in Shadowlands content)
- Whirling Dragon Punch
Diffuse Magic and Tiger’s Lust
These are lists of enemy abilities in dungeons that can be reflected and/or dispelled by Diffuse Magic, and also ones that can be dispelled or partially mitigated by Tiger’s Lust. This list is maintained by members of the other Monk specs. Here is the Google Doc with the lists. Also, we have a WeakAura for the Diffuse Magic portion that can be found here (also linked on the main guide).
Global Cooldowns
This table includes an alphabetically sorted list of spells for each different global cooldown you will encounter as Windwalker:
Static 1 Second
Blackout Kick
Bonedust Brew (Shadowlands)
Faeline Stomp (Shadowlands)
Fallen Order (Shadowlands)
Fists of Fury
Flying Serpent Kick
Jadefire Stomp
Leg Sweep
Rising Sun Kick
Rushing Jade Wind
Spinning Crane Kick
Strike of the Windlord
Tiger Palm
Tiger’s Lust
Touch of Death
Whirling Dragon Punch
Hasted 1 Second (Minimum 0.75s)
Chi Burst
Crackling Jade Lightning
Invoke Xuen the White Tiger
Ring of Peace
Song of Chi-Ji
Soothing Mist
Transcendence Transfer
Weapons of Order (Shadowlands)
Zen Pilgrimage
Hasted 1.5 Seconds (Minimum 0.75s)
Celestial Conduit